WordPress Web Help Monthly Meetup

Virtual / Online

***Please Use Source Link Below to Confirm Event Details***    Details Got a WordPress question, problem or challenge? OR...are you an expert with knowledge and experience and the willingness to share it? Let's discuss WordPress, SEO and other small business challenges we each face and solve them together! Discover new ways of facing them and make long-lasting connections. Join us to discuss topics, issues, and products in the WordPress world. This is the most popular Content Management System (CMS) for a lot of really good reasons. Becoming confident and capable using WP can be one of the most important things you do to raise your game online. JOIN US! This group is for all experience levels...join us and don't be afraid to chime in. All can contribute, all can learn, all are welcome. Please RSVP and add our events to your calendar...and I'll see you there! ALSO: If you'd like to present a topic, issue or product at this meeting, send me a message. Great opportunity to promote what makes your business special and unique while serving our members with useful information and content! Cheers, Edward A. Sanchez - Organizer edward@brassringwebdesign.com 858-228-6003 Brass Ring Web Design BrassRingWebDesign.com @MyWordPressGuy #MyWordPressGuy